Lean Support Tool: Poka Yoke

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The Poka Yoke, also known as the "Defect Prevention Tool", was developed by management consultant Shigeo Shingo as part of the Toyota production system where the concept of Lean originated. Poka Yoke is essentially a technical system to prevent defective goods in the production process or due to errors in the installation of machinery and equipment. The main purpose of Poka Yoke is to detect errors and correct them immediately, eliminating the source of the error.

In production, errors often occur when the technology of machinery and equipment is adjusted regularly; product design used too many materials; The technological process is too complicated;…However, Poka Yoke can overcome these errors through the error-proof function for each operation or production process, including:

1. Detection: When an error is detected, Poka Yoke will issue a command to automatically disconnect the working system and alert relevant people. This will help businesses prevent defective products in time, minimize damage and warranty costs.

2. Fix: After detecting the error, the problem in the fastest way, it also becomes easier to fix the problem. There are a number of manufacturing processes that can self-correct errors in the process.

3. Prevention: Thanks to Poka Yoke issuing commands to automatically stop the system and alarm, errors will be eliminated immediately and defective products will not appear.

The application of Poka Yoke not only helps businesses reduce defective products, but it also brings many benefits to businesses such as:

  1. Reduced production and management costs: The reduced and non-recurring rate of defective products will help businesses save waste due to defective products. As a result, businesses can focus their time and energy on other value-added activities.
  2. Increased customer satisfaction: Recurring defective products will lead to customer dissatisfaction and may lead to order cancellations. Therefore, through the application of Poka Yoke, businesses will always provide quality products and increase customer satisfaction.
  3. Support enterprises to expand production more easily: The expansion of production scale should pay attention to process improvement and eliminate the source of the causes of defects. Therefore, when the company expands its production scale, the risks will be less likely and if any, they will be resolved immediately.
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