Using Trello in Candidate Profile Management (Part 1)

image: Internet
SMEs often do not spend a lot of budget on recruitment, and recruitment costs must be really effective, in order to find talented and suitable candidates for the development of the business. One of the solutions of the recruitment department is to search for CVs on social networking sites, usually Facebook, LinkedIn, because these are two sources of no cost but the quality of the resume is still considered good. is having to spend money on recruitment sites that are often considered ineffective.

The recruitment department spends most of their time on social networking sites to get the CVs they are looking for and save, and this is the hardest part, not knowing how to archive them to keep track of the resumes. in the most intelligent, intuitive, and effective way.

Candidates who actively search on social networks will often make the hiring process more difficult because, they will not or respond for a long time when trying to contact via social networks, they often have requirements. especially shown on his post (and of course not through his CV), the more information the employer has, especially the information that the candidate shows on the post, the candidate will understand that how much I care about them and increase my chances of getting that candidate into my employee; The number of candidates is quite large, on average, if you spend about 1-2 hours on social networks, you will find more than 40 job postings.

Manage with regular Excel
The management of that much data is often used with Excel or ordinary spreadsheets, but managing with spreadsheets often causes the following obstacles:

The interface is boring and overly complicated;
It requires a large amount of predefined data fields, difficult to customize when you want to add unexpected formats like “request from director”, “request from project A”, …
Complicated in linking files together, in the social network environment, candidates can upload their CV whatever style they like, be it images, videos, and file types like pdf, docs, excel . How each file type and how to store them has been a headache when making a candidate record tracking system.
The risk of missing candidates is quite high.

Intuitive management via card system, kanban, and other applications
Like it or not, the spreadsheet interface (the interface of Excel or Google Sheet) is also the first choice that employers have to choose because of the spaciousness in the data frame and beyond that, there are no other options.

But there is one application that can make tracking candidates much easier and more intuitive, using the Kanban method from Toyota, and that is Trello. Usually a Trello board will look like the image below.

Benefits of using Trello in tracking candidate profiles:
  • Create custom lists
  • Easy grip-drag-and-drop to show where the candidate has gone in the hiring process (no need to customize a variable);
  • The stickers show the information right in the candidate card: who found it, which department is proposed to, where are you working, have you received your CV or are still exchanging information, ...;
  • Download unlimited and diverse files (only 25MB per file, however). More specifically, if it is an image and a pdf file, it can be clicked and viewed directly on Trello;
  • It's hard to miss the candidate, because if you haven't solved the list of cards, of course the cards are still there, visually and eye-catching, you still haven't solved them;
  • The note function is spacious, comfortable, has no word limit, and is easy to edit. With this function, completely copy what the candidate shows on the post, because this is a valuable information while working with the candidate, take note of the special requirements, the characteristics when working with the candidate. work on the card right away;
  • The creation of unlimited card lists helps to diversify your watch board, if there is an unexpected request from the Director, simply create one more list and drag it to the appropriate order and continue. follow up.

Suggestions for installing Trello
Since the article has reached the limit, in the next post, I will guide you through the initial setup of a Trello board to effectively track candidates.
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