New sales method of the business

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Currently, businesses often tell each other that "Don't sell products, sell solutions" and this is also the reason we see many businesses selling solutions in the market. However, does every business have a specific solution to reach their customers? There are many businesses that are too caught up in the introduction of products or features but do not care about what problems their customers are having when using the product. Some other businesses have a set of suitable solutions for customers but are still struggling because they do not know how to approach customers.
Through working with a number of large companies, John&Partners realized that the common point between companies is that instead of spending a large amount of money on product advertising, they use this budget to organize events. seminars or sharing sessions bring knowledge not only about products but also about thinking, strategies, operations, human resources, etc. to our customers. Especially large companies always want customers to be able to talk about the problems they are facing in the process of using products or services. From there, it is possible to design solutions to help guests solve these problems. For example, in the case of Microsoft, to sell products and solutions to help businesses operate with high productivity and security, Microsoft organized a seminar program with the theme "How to build an effective working environment". high fruit?” Or when selling printing solutions, Canon aims to organize seminars on solutions "Eliminating waste in business". The organization of these programs not only helps customers know about business solutions but also is a gift of knowledge, helping corporate customers to manage and operate their businesses better. And when customers feel that they are heard and understood, they will naturally and readily come to your business's solutions. In addition, customers also see the business as a companion to them (Partners) rather than a relationship: Seller - Buyer

Các doanh nghiệp mong muốn có một giải pháp tiếp cận phù hợp với khách hàng của mình để bán các giải pháp có thể cùng trao đổi với John&Partners qua email:

John&Partners hy vọng với kinh nghiệm của mình có thể cùng doanh nghiệp tìm ra những giải pháp với phương pháp tiếp cận toàn diện Operational Excellence để giải quyết được các “nỗi đau” không chỉ của doanh nghiệp mà còn có khách hàng của doanh nghiệp.
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