One of the Emerging Threats in Cybersecurity

AI-Driven Cybersecurity Threats

AI is an essential part of cybersecurity and threat management, but it’s also being used by cybercriminals in multiple ways. Some are using AI to aggregate data to better target their attacks. Others are using it to conduct repetitive tasks like password guessing and defeating Captchas. AI is also being used to imitate normal network behavior, making cyber threats that much more difficult to detect.

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✓ Optimizing the value chain of the business
✓ Value Innovation
✓ Building the high effective working environment

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By Trương Trần Hoàng Diễm August 17, 2022
Currently, businesses are faced with an increasingly volatile, complex and risky business environment. Rapid changes often create unexpected opportunities and threats. Therefore, the formulation of a strategy and how to manage it in an enterprise plays a very important role and is shown in many different aspects. The strategy of an enterprise is likened to the path, the steps and the key to the operation of the enterprise to achieve certain goals, plans and success. Therefore, there is a need for a tool to help different parts of the organization work together and keep them on track. That tool is called “Hoshin Kanri" . What is Hoshin Kanri? Hoshin Kanri (aka Deployment Policy ) is a method for ensuring that a company's strategic goals drive progress and action at every level within that company. This eliminates the waste of time that comes from inconsistent directives and poor communication between departments. Hoshin Kanri strives for every employee to work towards the same goal at the same time. This is achieved by linking the company's goals (Strategy) to the plans of middle managers (Tactics) and the work done by all employees (Actions). Hoshin Kanri creates a systematic flow of information that runs through the entire company – just like the human nervous system runs through the entire body. Goals and KPIs are implemented from top to bottom, while results are fed back from bottom to top. Steps to perform Hoshin Kanri: 1. Develop a Strategic Plan 2. Develop tactics 3. Action 4. Review and adjust Hoshin Kanri is an essential Lean management method to ensure that a company's strategy is executed on a hierarchy. The constant improvement of plans will forever transform all levels of management in a company, Hoshin Kanri's core principles will benefit any company if followed them. - When Hoshin Kanri is implemented effectively, it forces the leadership team to come up with a vision and a list of breakthrough goals, create a series of complementary goals, ensure alignment and deliver necessary leverage for successful implementation.
By Trương Trần Hoàng Diễm October 8, 2021
Politician Benjamin Franklin once said, “Do you love life? Then don't waste time, because time is life." Everyone has only 24 hours a day to live and each person chooses different ways of living. Some people use those 24 hours to do the work of a senior administrator while still ensuring time for themselves, but there are also individuals who feel that 24 hours is not enough for them. Looking at the facts, you probably aren't that busy, you just haven't managed your time effectively. Most people know that time management is crucial to success, but not everyone can control it. That makes it almost impossible for them to complete the plan they have set out despite their best efforts. So how do you handle these jobs to complete in the most optimal time? The Eisenhower Matrix is ​​said to be an effective strategy to help you identify what matters most and optimize your time efficiently. Let's take a closer look at this matrix. According to Eisenhower, in order to be able to use time effectively with the highest productivity, we must spend time on important things (Important) and not on urgent things (Urgent). You should remember that “Important things are often less urgent and urgent things are rarely important”. To do this as well as reduce the pressure of having too much work to complete with a short time, the Critical - Urgent Model will help you quite a lot. The Eisenhower Matrix is as follows: DO - Important and Urgent The tasks in this category force you to do it right away because they are both important and urgent. Unpredictable times: Urgent meetings, work emails related to important projects, conflicts with customers, car breakdowns, etc. Predict when to happen: Company anniversary, wedding day, birthday… Backlogs due to habit of procrastination: Schedule to send work reports, compose presentations... For those who work with customers, jobs that are classified in group P1 such as a customer you are taking care of have a need and need information urgently the next day. It can be said that "customer is king" is always true and applied to all service and customer service people. DECIDE - Important but not urgent P2 does not require immediate action (not urgent) but you must do it all because they are important. Spend more time on this item. We often put important but non-urgent tasks on the sidelines of our lives and say to ourselves, “I will do them someday, after taking care of all the urgent things.” We even procrastinate figuring out what is most important to us. This often repeats as a cycle in which you only deal with the urgent tasks at the top of the list. For example, building processes and work instructions for internal when approaching customers. This is important but not urgent work, as it is considered long-term and requires more time. To solve this problem, you need to lead your life in a proactive way: “I will make time for these things no matter what.” DELEGATE - Not important but urgent What characterizes the jobs in this group is that they're not meant to accomplish your goals, only they're urgent. People often spend most of their time on these things because they think they are important. In fact, if you pay close attention, you will realize that they do not serve your own goals, much less help you to improve. In the long run, you will feel tired and exhausted when you have to spend so much “downtime” on these activities. More seriously, it even makes you psychologically dissatisfied and annoyed with others For example, someone asks you to buy things, invite customers for coffee because they are in the meeting room; Calls from relatives who have not seen for a long time or messages from friends,... The best way is to solve this job as quickly as possible or you can delegate it to others and learn how to "Say No" with the tasks in this P3 group when there is not too much time for important work. DELETE - Not Important and Not Urgent The tasks in this P4 group you should spend the minimum time because they really do not bring significant benefit or value. For example, surfing Facebook, watching comedy videos, movies, breaking news or gossip, etc. Ask yourself, are you spending a lot of time in this work group? And it's best to resolutely switch to another job to avoid wasting time! How to allocate time in accordance with the levels of the Eisenhower matrix: P1: ~15% – 20% P2: ~60% – 65% P3: ~10% – 15% P4: < 5% The Eisenhower Matrix is ​​a time management method that works well for people who have goals but never achieve because they don't have enough time. With Eisenhower, you'll learn how to re-evaluate your priorities. Also learn to focus on what's more important than the fake urgency. You'll never have to strain yourself to deal with a mess again.
By Trung Eric Nguyen October 8, 2021
According to statistics of the American Quality Association, a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certified person will have a minimum income of about 15,000 USD/ month. But have you heard the phrase “Lean Six Sigma Black Belt” (LSSBB) before? If not, it's not strange at all because nowadays LSSBB experts in Vietnam are very rare. Also, did you know that in today's large foreign corporations, Green Belt and Black Belt specialists are required for management positions? If you do not have a Green Belt Certification, you may not be able to continue to hold your management position. Continue reading this article because you have seen an opportunity: LEAN SIX SIGMA TRAINING PROGRAM - GREEN BELT AND BLACK BELT It definitely isn't easy to achieve these two belt. After meeting the theoretical requirements, students will have to apply in two (02) improvement projects in their business, and each project must achieve a saving of about 50,000USD (2 projects for Green Belt) and 100,000 (2 projects for Black Belt). This is the biggest barrier to create Lean Six Sigma experts in Vietnam. Understanding this, John&Partners has launched the Lean Six Sigma program with both levels: Green Belt and Black Belt with curriculum and accompanied by mentoring programs for students to develop their own projects. The only program in Vietnam led by Dr. Ngo Cong Truong - Top 40 best people in the world in operational optimization and the only Vietnamese to achieve Master Black Belt level of the American Society for Quality (ASQ). ) direct teaching. The program includes: LSS Program - Green Belt - 08 days LSS Program - Black Belt - 08 days (after completing Green Belt) Improvement project coaching program.

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